Roll Up, Roll Up!

January 7, 2021

Raiders 50:50 is back for the first time in the New Year.

On the back of a stunning £332 prize just after Christmas the first draw of the new year may struggle to get to those dizzy heights. But that really is up to you guys and gals to buy into the spirit and get that prize money soaring.

You can click on the link below….↓

Raiders Raffall Sunday 10th January

….which as if by magic will open in a new window so you can read the rest of this message 🙂 . Or you can click on the link at the head of this web page and find your own way there. Its not like we have much else to do is it? We have all watched all the Netflix series by now anyway.

So help us to get the New Year on-line 50:50 off to a storming start and help us all forget about COVID and the nonsense going on in America and Brexit fall out for just a few moments!

As usual the draw will take place Sunday at 7PM

The last few calendars are available and we have plenty of Raiders face covers left so dont forget if you want one just email

Copyright Raiders Ice Hockey 2018